What is erectile dysfunction? Know the good causes

 What is erectile dysfunction? Know the good causes

What is erectile dysfunction? Know the good causes
What is erectile dysfunction? Know the good causes

Erectile dysfunction is the inability of a man to maintain a proper erection for a long period of time. Read this article to learn more about erectile dysfunction.


Erectile dysfunction is a man's inability to maintain an erection. This can either be that the erection is not firm enough for having sex, or that the erection cannot be maintained for a sufficient length of time and the man is unable to ejaculate. Erectile dysfunction was once called impotence, but this new name is more appropriate for the disorder described. At some point in their life, most men are very susceptible to erectile dysfunction. If they occur infrequently, they are not of concern as they can be caused by external factors such as stress or fatigue. Erectile dysfunction is only considered a medical problem when a man has difficulty with more than half of his attempts at sex.


Until not so long ago, it was believed that the problem of erectile dysfunction is caused only by psychological factors and will go away when the person experiencing it relaxes and continues with their lives. While it is true that psychological causes are not uncommon at all, it has also been believed that erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical factors. Smoking, alcohol use, and drug use can seriously affect sexual performance, and erectile dysfunction can also be triggered by certain medications.


Nervous disorders such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, certain surgeries, and diseases that affect blood vessels such as arteriosclerosis or high blood pressure can lead to erectile dysfunction. Whatever the nature of the causes, this condition is completely treatable. While viewed as embarrassing by the vast majority of men, the first step to recovery is to admit that there is a problem.


Erectile dysfunction can cause a variety of problems in a couple and can really affect the relationship between two people. Whoever has such problems needs the support of his partner and should also be understood and treated seriously. This is especially true when the factors that cause erectile dysfunction are psychological in nature. Feeling that the partner is no longer attracted to you or other negative feelings about the partner can trigger the onset of erectile dysfunction. Lack of support can make the problem worse. Other psychological causes can be related to financial problems or stress.


While the possibility of erectile dysfunction increases with age, it can affect men of all ages. Fortunately, treatment is widespread and usually consists of medication and counseling.

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