Diabetes is a relatively common disease that affects millions of people.
Diabetes is a relatively common disease that affects millions of people |
Type 1 diabetes is sometimes called insulin-dependent and can also be called juvenile diabetes.
Some risk factors for type 1 diabetes are genetics and family history.
SOME RISK FACTORS FOR TYPE 2 ARE AS FOLLOWS: Older age Obesity History of gestational diabetes Family history of diabetes Insufficient glucose tolerance Lack of regular exercise In addition to the risk factors above, some races and ethnicities are more likely to develop diabetes.
In some cases, a woman who develops gestational diabetes continues to develop diabetes later in life.
SYMPTOMS OF DIABETES For some people with diabetes, the warning signs may be mild and almost unnoticeable.
With type 1 diabetes, symptoms tend to be more severe and can come on suddenly and unexpectedly.
SOME SIGNS OF DIABETES TO LOOK FOR ARE: Hunger Thirst Frequent urination Fatigue or weakness Blurred vision Dry mouth Itchy skin Sores and cuts that are slow to heal Yeast infections Numbness in feet or legs Pain in feet or legs Symptoms above occur more frequently at the onset of the disease and are particularly prevalent in type 2 diabetics.
WHAT ARE STATINS? Statins and Diabetes: Statins are a specific type of medicine often prescribed to treat patients who have high levels of LDL cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol.
IN ADDITION TO REDUCING THE RISK FOR A PATIENT OF SUFFERING FROM A STRIKE OR HEART ATTACK, STATINS ARE ALSO HELPFUL IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS: Heart attack, statins, and diabetes Reducing inflammation Reducing the risk of blood clots Improve and Strengthen the Lining of the Blood Vessels While statins perform many important functions in the body, the FDA recently warned diabetics against taking statins.
Although statin use and diabetes help, the FDA has warned that statin use can increase a patient's risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
If a patient has a history of heart problems or suffers from heart disease, statins may be needed, regardless of the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
THE DIABETIC GROUP THAT MAY BENEFIT THE MOST FROM STATIN AND DIABETES INCLUDES THE SUBJECTS THAT ARE IN THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: People with an LDL value between 70 and 189 mg/dl Those with risk factors for heart disease Those with have signs of vascular disease Smokers over 40 people with hypertension Some experts recommend starting low to moderate doses of statins for adults between the ages of 40 and 75 who have at least one risk factor for heart disease.
If a heart patient is concerned about type 2 diabetes, they should speak to a doctor about their options.
A doctor may recommend a different statin or a different dosage for a patient at risk of developing diabetes.
NEGATIVE HEALTH EFFECTS OF STATINS In addition to increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, statins and diabetes also have several worrying side effects.
To learn more about statins and diabetes, a patient should ask their doctor or other healthcare professional questions.
HOW TO MANAGE DIABETES In most cases, type 1 diabetes is treated with insulin injections.
Some family physicians recommend that a diabetic be treated by a specialist who has managed many cases of diabetes.
Patients should carry all diabetes and insulin medications with them at all times.
Patients with statins and diabetes should seek emergency medical help if they have severe or persistent problems with their blood pressure or blood sugar.
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